Six Strategies Your Company Should Be Doing To Grow Your Business
Below is our recent blog post that recently ran in Wired Innovation Insights. It’s gotten a lot tougher for companies to find new...
Does PR Increase Revenue for a Tech Company?
It amazes me when PR professionals still hedge against their capabilities and the power of PR. Many PR executives will come right out and...
Should I Hire a PR Firm?
I run a PR firm. So you would think that the answer to the posed question, “Should I hire a PR firm?” would be a resounding yes. My...
Tech Public Relations and Publishing Corporate Feature Stories
The practice of PR has changed over the years with the advent of content publishing, blogging, and social media. With that in mind, many...
How High-Tech Companies Should Leverage Media Relations Success
Getting media coverage has huge benefits to a corporation. The company can attract new business leads, and its corporate name,...
Analyst Relations for High-Tech Companies
Having an analyst relations (AR) program as part of your overall PR strategy can pay dividends to the success of your company. There are...
Detailed Plan for Launching New Products
As management consultant Peter Drucker once said, “Business has only two functions—marketing and innovation.” The lifeline of any...
The Value of Tech Public Relations
You’ve got a great product or service that you’ve spent long hours working on to develop. You’re an established company but need to raise...
News on News Releases
A recent study by Reginald F. Moody, Ph.d., published in the Public Relations Journal, analyzed how newspaper editors prefer to receive...
Thought Leadership, Media Relations, and Product Publicity
Many years ago, we had a high-tech client who brought us in to do their corporate PR. The CEO told me he had the best products on the...